Course Code:



8th Semester - Division – Sector “Dental Technology”

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Prombonas Anthony

The importance of biomechanics knowledge in dental prosthetics is great for the dental technologist who designs them, as their design and construction should be based on understanding:
• the environment in which the prosthetic works operate
The process of loading the jaw tissues and prostheses during their operation and
• the mechanical behavior of dental prostheses by assessing the deformation and strength
of the prostheses.
Upon completion of the co urse the students:
• will have understood the biomechanical behavior of the jaws and oral tissues.
• Understand the biomechanical behavior of prosthetic work, so that the ones they manufacturehave the maximum functional efficiency.
• Will know about the changes that may result in the design of dentures what changes may occur in the performance and durability of dentures
• Will become familiar with the scientific methods by which the mechanical behavior of
dentures can be assessed, measured or studied.


The term biomechanics as a hybrid term like others like Biophysics, Biochemistry, covers the field of knowledge regarding the application of personalized knowledge in the violites and what changes occur when the violin takes the form of a prosthetic work environment and is exhausted oral cavity.
Engineering and mechanics is the science of constructions and machines and deals with their successful operation and optimal performance. Biomechanics and Bioengineering (Biomechanics and Bioengineering) deal with the application of the principles of mechanics and engineering in the human body
The course material is divided into two parts, the general and the special.
The general part analyzes some topics related to the biomechanical behavior of the vials used in Dental Technology as well as the introduction to methods of experimental stress analysis such as photoelasticity, strain gauges and the finite element method. The use of these methods in various prosthetic works (crowns, bridges, dentures, implants, etc.) will be analyzed in order to understand the scientific ways in which the effect of design on the functionality and durability of these works can be studied.
In the special part there will be a study and analysis of all that knowledge concerning the biomechanics and biomechanics of each type of prosthetic work. In particular, the biomechanics of the jaws and especially of the lower jaw, the biomechanics of the oral tissues with emphasis on the bone and mucosa, the biomechanics of the crown bridges of the complete and partial dentures and implants will be studied and analyzed.