Kriebardis Anastasios

Current position: Associate Professor specializing in “Laboratory Hematology – Pathophysiology of Erythrocyte Preservation and Blood Donation” at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Health and Welfare Sciences, University of Western Attica. Director of the Reliability and Quality Control Research Laboratory in Laboratory Hematology-HemQcR of the Medical Laboratories Sector.

Brief History: Mr. Kriebardis G. Anastasios was initially elected [2010] to the rank of Lecturer in the Department of Medical Laboratories of the Technological Educational Institute [TEI] of Athens and was promoted [2014] to Assistant Professor. With 2248/15-06-18 he holds an organic position in the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of West Attica. He has been retrained in the Fields of Blood Donation and Immunohematology [2001-2002], in modern laboratory techniques for the investigation of blood diseases and in the laboratory control of hemostasis disorders [2007], in strategic management [2006] and in the Neurophysiology of learning [2016, 2017]. The Post-Training Seminars concern the Academy of Blood Donation [2010], the Panhellenic Association of Biopathology [2010] and the Institute of Introductory Education [2002]. By decision of the Rector of TEI of Athens, he was transferred to the Blood Donation Department of the General Hospital of Thira for the organization and operation of the Hematology and Blood Donation Laboratories [2016]. He was in charge of the Blood and Derivatives Department and the Quality Control Department at the National Blood Donation Center [2008-2010]. He served as the person in charge of receiving and sending blood and its derivatives intended for fractionation at the National Center for the Preparation of Blood Derivatives, “Ilias Politis” [2001-2008]. He has taught in secondary education as a substitute Professor, PE 18 Specialty Medical Laboratories, at the 1st TEE Argos [2000-2001] and at the 2nd TEE Loutraki [1999-2000]. He fulfilled his military obligations at the Armored Training Center [1998-1999].

Research Work: He is the author of seventy-four [74] peer-reviewed papers in international peer-reviewed journals with a significant impact index [average impact index/article 4.896 and total impact index 362.281], two [2] monographs and one [1] book. He has four [4] contributions to books and has edited and/or translated seven [7] books. He has participated with oral and posted presentations in a significant number of International and National Conferences. He has fifty-six [56] papers in International refereed conferences and one hundred and eighteen [118] in National refereed conferences. The published work gathers 2,443 references resulting in an h-index of 23, and an i10-index of 40. The research work has been awarded fourteen [14] times for both the International Society of Blood Transfusion and the National [Hellenic Society of Transfusion Therapy and Hellenic Society of Hematology] presentation of it. He has been [2012-2015] Scientific Manager of the Archimedes III Program, “Cytobiological study of erythrocytes of patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis” and has participated in many funded research projects.


5011-5012 – Hematology

6011-6012 – Hematology II

7011-7012 – Transfusion Medicine

8191 – Thesis

8041 – Special Courses in Laboratory Hematology and Transfusion Medicine

2041 – Introduction in Biomedical Sciences

4071-4072 – Phlebotomy

8171 – Transfusion therapy – Histocompatibility