Course Code:



6th Semester - Division – Sector “Dental Technology”

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:





Upon completion of the course, the students will:

  • be aware of the necessity for oral rehabilitation utilizing a fixed prosthesis (crown-bridge).
  • know, theoretically and in practice, the fabrication steps of metal-ceramic restorations.
  • know which steps are their own responsibility and how to cooperate harmoniously with the dentist.
  • know the variations of modern metal-ceramic restorations that constitute part of the everyday dental technology procedure.
  • have acquired the necessary qualifications for establishing their professional rights and competitiveness.



Theoretical teaching
The course syllabus includes both theoretical and laboratory teaching. The theoretical teaching and the laboratory exercises are timely coordinated to the best possible extent in order for the students to be receiving the theoretical teaching prior to applying the acquired knowledge in the lab.
The course syllabus consists of the following sections:
Introduction – dental porcelain (in general) – dental ceramic prostheses terminology – the parts of a metal-ceramic restoration – laboratory steps for metal ceramic restorations fabrication (in general).
Dental porcelain: composition, physical and mechanical properties, advantages, disadvantages, porcelains classification.
Metal ceramicalloys. Titanium, alloy selection criteria, metal-ceramic bond
Study cast, Removable dies working model. Crown and bridge wax modelling.
Metal-ceramic framework design principles, mechanical behavior of metal-ceramic prostheses in the mouth, basic design principles.
Single metal-ceramic crowns design, multi-unit design (bridges-splints).
Sprueing, Investing, wax burn-out, preheating, casting.
Metal framework processing and completion (cleaning, casting defects), oxidation, metal-ceramic bond failures.
Porcelain layering- firing: Tools, materials and methods
Porcelain staining and glazing, aesthetics, metal framework polishing and finishing.
Titanium porcelains, equipment, methods.
Case studies


Laboratory exercises
Production of removable dies working models, die sectioning and preparation, articulator mounting.
Wax up modeling of a bridge and a crown framework, sprueing, investing, wax burnout, preheating, casting. Divesting, metal framework preparation, oxidation.
Porcelain layering and firing: consecutive application of ceramic material layers (opaque – dentin- enamel), condensation, porcelain maturation.
Porcelain staining and glazing, aesthetics, polishing and finishing of the metal framework.