Course Code:



8th Semester - Division – Sector “Dental Technology”

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Prombonas Anthony


Upon completion of the course students will be able to:
• Know the modern technological developments in the field of design and construction of prosthetic works with the help of information technology.
• use computers, design programs and devices for the construction of additional work with the CAD / CAM method.
• understand all the technological elements and peculiarities that make up the special CAD CAM systems of Dental Technology.



The aim of the course is to introduce students to the design and production of additional work with the help of information technology. Students will become familiar with cutting edge technology and be trained in the constant search for data and literature for their constant information.

The course “Dental Technology Informatics” introduces students to the use of modern technology for the design and construction of prosthetic work. The CAD / CAM (Computer-aided design and Computer-aided manufacturing) method can now be used to construct all additional tasks. Students will be taught the use of the computer in managing add-on design programs. They will be trained in scanning a template or fingerprint and creating an electronic file. Then they will be taught that the electronic file after its processing with the design programs that accompany the method, can be converted into a framework of prosthetic work or even prosthetic work. They will become familiar with the construction options to date, e.g. cutting machines, selective metal fusion, etc., but also the robotic devices that accompany the method as mechanical equipment.


The course material is divided into general and specific part.
The general part of the material analyzes general basic knowledge about mechanical equipment systems as they are generally used in industry, while the special part analyzes the
specialized topics related to CAD CAM technology as it is applied in Dental Technology.
In particular, the issues of scanning with special scanners, the issues of special cutting machines (milling), issues related to the special materials for the laboratory CAD CAM, issues related to the method of rapid prototyping (Rapid Prototyping) are analyzed, while at the end the basic Steps to handle two software, one drawing and one cutting.


The workshop is carried out in a laboratory specially equipped with networked PCs and special denture design software. The laboratory has 7 jobs and is connected to the Internet.
The software design capabilities are first demonstrated and then students in groups of 10 work with the design program and become familiar with it.
Finally, a candle cutting demonstration of a finished work of the students is performed by the special cutting machine that the laboratory has.