Karkalousos Petros

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Associate Professor



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Petros Karkalousos CV

Petros Karkalousos has studied technology in medical laboratories (Technological Institute of Athens [TEI of Athens]), biology (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [KNUA]) and statistics (Msc program in the Financial University of Athens). His PhD has to do with the study of time series of control values in clinical chemistry analyzers (medical school, KNUA). He has worked, as an analyst, in clinical laboratories of public hospitals for almost 16 years and 10 years in private diagnostic center as an analyst and quality director.

He is teaching clinical chemistry from 2000 in TEI of Athens and the University of West Attica (UNIWA). He is teaching also accreditation of medical laboratories and analysis of urine, sperm and other biological fluids in UNIWA. He participates in five post-graduate programs of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and one in the Hellenic Open University.

His research activities have to do with the quality control of clinical laboratories, clinical chemistry and sperm analysis. He is (2023) the director of the laboratory “chemistry, biochemistry, cosmetic science” in UNIWA and the chair of the Working Group of Distance Learning of EFLM (European Federation of Laboratory Medicine).

He organizes three life-long education programs (quality control and verification in clinical chemistry, basic spermatologia, environmental certification with ISO 14001).